Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Great White Hunter

I am not making any comparisons of me to the great President Teddy Roosevelt. I greatly admire his career and leadership style and his joi d'vive. I have hunted once so far this season. It was very hot and there were no ducks near enough to shoot. Although I could see BILLIONS from where I sat in my muddy little blind. The General blew the calls and the Dog sat there with a look on his face that said (if dogs could talk) "You are the anti-duck. You jinx me everytime you hunt with me. Why don't you take target practice or stop hunting altogether?"

So I have the fever now. Eagerly awaiting my next chance to hunt something, anything. So I will confess now that at the ripe old age of 34 I have NEVER hunted deer. Amazing to have grown up in the South, surrounded by the best hunting in the world and not to have gone. What can I say, Daddy didn't hunt, so I didn't hunt.

But a guy I work with is taking me this Friday to hunt a deer. Guarantees I will get one. As long as the Dog doesn't go to pass his silent judgement on me, at least I will get in the woods and out of the office.

"Haw! Somebody shoot up amongst us, one of us needs some relief!" Marcel Ledbetter (Jerry Clower)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Female of the Species

I have a four day holiday with CJ. It can be a crap shoot as to how CJ will judge with her critical eye, the state of the manor in her absence. Which reminds me of a Rudyard Kipling poem written by his enlightened hand in 1911. The first stanza goes as thus,

"When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male."

Common People like James T. Kirk

Heard a song last night featuring William Shatner about common people. It is off his album "Has Been" I laughed my butt off as I listened. There is something captivatingly comical about his ability to parody himself. His___ a- BIL-ity___ to SPEAK____ in a way that is JERKY and ___ serious. It is like he is always Captain Kirk playing William Shatner instead of the other way around.

"She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge, she studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College, that's where I, caught her eye. She told me that her Dad was loaded, I said "In that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola. "She said "Fine." and in thirty seconds time she said, "I want to live like common people, I want to do whatever common people do, I want to sleep with common people, I want to sleep with common people, like you. "Well what else could I do -I said "I'll see what I can do." I took her to a supermarket, I don't know why but I had to start it somewhere, so it started there. I said pretend you've got no money, she just laughed and said, "Oh you're so funny." I said "yeah?Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here. Are you sure you want to live like common people, you want to see whatever common people see, you want to sleep with common people, you want to sleep with common people, like me." But she didn't understand, she just smiled and held my hand. Rent a flat above a shop, cut your hair and get a job. Smoke some fags and play some pool, pretend you never went to school. But still you'll never get it right, cos when you're laid in bed at night, watching roaches climb the wall, if you call your Dad he could stop it all. You'll never live like common people, you'll never do what common people do, you'll never fail like common people, you'll never watch your life slide out of view, and dance and drink and screw, because there's nothing else to do. Sing along with the common people, sing along and it might just get you through, laugh along with the common people, laugh along even though they're laughing at you, and the stupid things that you do. Because you think that poor is cool. I want to live with common people, I want to live with common people etc... "

Friday, November 18, 2005

"I got my britches on, don't I boy?"

My Great, Great Uncle John just turned 100. He still dips, drinks whiskey and carries a gun. He is the terror of his nursing home. He makes the nurses cringe and the old ladies swoon. He is a hero to the bed ridden and elderly. He is one pretty cool old coot.

He was asked by one of his nephews the other day if he was still packing his little derringer that he ahs carried everyday for the past 3 quarters of a century or longer to which he replied, "I got my britches on, don't I boy?"

Hope I mellow like that when I age.

Monday, November 14, 2005

"We Hate Terrorists" "Iraq Unplugged" is a site that every patriotic American that loves good music ought to visit. These young guys Nick Brown and JR Schultz along with their buddy Luke Stricklin singer of "American by God's Amazing Grace" cranked out some great acoustic sounds while serving with the 39th Brigade Combat Team in Baghdad last year. The songs range from poignant to funny to down right knee-slapping good. Please check them out and buy a disc. They are proof positive that combat sometimes brings out the best in people. It certainly changed their lives, and their music might change yours. Or not, whatever. They exercised their 1st Amendment right, which they earned in combat as 11 Bush. You have the right to check them out.

Wet dogs, angry women and Ducks on the water

"I want to change my clothes, wash my face, put on a happy mood and read my damn book." I have an acquaintance who will be referred to as CJ when I write. She knows who she is. Anyway the preceding quote is from her. She is in Grad school and nearing finals. Needless to say, phone calls with her can range anywhere from "sweetness and light" to "satan's calling..." So I endured a lot of griping, pissing moaning and beratement from her tonight.

On top of that, I have been out of town and had to do some serious grocery shopping. Well, for me, nothing is serious. I look at trips to the store, or anywhere people are gathered as a chance to meet new people and talk to them. Actually, I ran into several folks I know, so I managed to kill some time and do the shopping. I really hate the shopping, but have fun people watching and talking to folks. Kind of sums up my college experience. Had a great time, but class got in the way.

Anyway... came home to feed my wet dogs (which is why I went to the store in the first place). Holy crap they were wet. It rained today one inch short of Biblical flood. They managed to survive by hiding under my canoe under the deck. Ironic, isn't it? They survive a flood UNDER a canoe instead of in it. But I guess I didn't have to explain that, huh?

So towels, growls and bowls of food later, I can move on to making plans for the weekend. It is duck season here in the Mississippi flyway and I am eager to go. My service to my country has precluded me from hunting fowl for 4 of the last 6 seasons. Sure, I have had plenty of opportunity to shoot towel headed terrorists, but they tend to shoot back at the most incovenient time. Plus, no matter how good looking they were in life, I am not allowed to stuff and mount one on my wall at home.

Back to angry women, I need new duck waders. Mine leak, and when I opined about acquiring a new pair, CJ really pitched a fit. Well, honestly, she pointed out that I can patch them and continue to wear them for at least another season. But I hunt with the kind of people that are too snooty for patched waders. It shouldn't matter, but since I am invited to hunt with them, I ought to strive to keep up with the decor. Okay, I am vain and selfish and want new waders. SO there. CJ was right. I can't stand to not have cool new stuff.

Well, never meant to ramble. But I did. No apologies. The quote is at the beginning of my post this time.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Pain in the Neck

I wanted to write more today and do some things to gee whiz my site, but I guess I slept funny because my neck is hurting like all get out. I am sitting at work and all I can think about is how bad my neck hurts. So more than one pain in the neck at this point. I need help for my neck and my site! But eventually my neck will stop hurting and my site will look MUCH cooler than now. Quote for the moment, "Once a new technology rolls over you, if your're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road."-- Stewart Brand

Landy on!

Ok, so one of my obsessions is Land Rovers. This is my most recent acquisition, and it was merely one in a long line of Rovers that I have owned. Just in time for duck season, I might add. Anyway, I will begin posting Land Rover photos of various age, style and condition. So, Landy on!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dragon's Breath-- First spark of flame

Well, this is my first attempt to blog. I have mixed emotions about hanging my musings on the web, but I will give it a shot. As can be inferred by the title of the site, I will tend to emote, rant rave about various stuff.

But first an introduction. I am a southern, republican, gun-toting, Infantry officer with an opinion on just about everything. I am a combat vet. I am fiercely loyal to my family, my friends and my flag. I value your opinion, but I don't have to like it or agree with it. I expect the same in return.

I will post links to various things I find interesting as time permits and I get more skilled at the whole blog thing.

Various hobbies, passions and obsessions of mine should be noted as the following: British cars, Rudyard Kipling, military equipment, music, history and guns, just to name a few.

I will close with a quote (as I will strive to do each and every time),
"Can't you see, all around you the Dragon's Breath?" (Merlin, from the movie Excalibur)

Ready Set Blog....